Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I learned a new word AND it's in another language! Exciting, I tell you.  Shekinah, Hebrew meaning, "The majestic presence or manifestation of God which has descended to 'dwell' among men," has enlightened me.  This Shekinah glory is what I thirst for.  Actually, I believe that all humans were created for this type of intimate, surrounded-ness feeling.  The word dwell makes my heart race.  If only I could attain His majestic presence and manifestation!  He is among us!  And so, in this life I am no longer satisfied, but in search of His Shekinah glory my life has found purpose, purpose so much that it is no longer a life, but is now a living sacrifice.

I hope my stream of consciousness is not confusing you.

God is overwhelming me today!

Upon venturing to college, I have felt Him more than I ever have before, praise God.  My life has turned into an adventure; I now live life on the edge. YES.  I have always been into extreme things!  But this is not about me, remember...

He dwells among us and by no mistake after learning this word, I opened my bible today only to read a song of praise issued in Isaiah.  Isaiah 12... makes me happy.

The very last verse, verse 6. says:

Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion, for great is the Holy One of Israel among you.

...among you. Yes! Have I lost sight of this?  My church from home is Zion Baptist.  So inevitably, every passage I read that references Zion instills a deeper connection in me.  All churches experience problems and spiritual warfares and also happiness and praise.  The former two are no match for His Shekinah.  He still dwells among Zion.

This video is credit to my newly found knowledge of Shekinah.  I now long for this, search for His glory to dwell among NC State.  Zion.  Raleigh.  Shelby.  Lee Hall.  The world.

I really can't dance but I really want to when I hear this song.  I know that God will be clapping (and laughing) with me, or rather, I with Him in His glory...

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