Thursday, December 16, 2010

There is season (turn, turn, turn)...

To all of my faithful readers who check this blog hourly in hopes of a new post, I am sorry. I have been slacking. In a lot of aspects. For realz. However, now that my brain has de-fried I am back to my little writing world. And thank goodness, because my brain has been stuck on radiational cooling and analysis of variance and la aspiradora. Studying for my exams pushed all of my normal random and varied thoughts into the back of my head. This was not good. My brain was bursting out of my ears. The only way to relieve that feeling was to get rid of some of the thought-overload. Ignorantly, I tried to wait it out until after my exams, that way I could just forget all of that class-related information, then go back to thinking about the good stuff, like God and beauty and love and trees. It was obvious that God wanted me to learn more than just what I needed for my exams. So enough about me...

The season has changed dramatically here over the last week. Which is quite fitting, considering I was in a different season this past week. I have never been one for cold weather--both literally and spiritually. Seasons are seemingly inevitable, nevertheless they are quite difficult for the growing Christian. However, they are also necessary in my opinion. Of course, my opinion is kind of worth 4 pennies. 5 on a good day. And sometimes a nickel if you're lucky.

Anyway, God, being the awesome and constantly present God that He is, was trying to teach me. It took me about five days, but I finally came to my senses. Actually, He brought me to my senses. I'm not usually much of a lister when I write, but to throw in something different (Oooo!) and to be more pleasing to the eye, I will continue to say that God has taught me (and is still teaching me) about three main things:

Numero Uno: Time is God's
So time really isn't a factor in heaven. Maybe that is why time with God on earth is so important. In heaven, you can just worship God endlessly with no other obligations. On earth... it should be the same...?? Time confuses me, as it should because I am not supposed to understand everything because that is God's job. Mainly, it was only five days I spent without really speaking to God and yet it felt like long and trying months. Not even joking. So what does that tell us about time? That it really is precious? (< eww cliche, but true) Or that even a second without God is painful? Because we live on a painful earth because it is just that--earth, and not heaven...

Letter B: He is My Priority
I can say all day long (unintended reference to above paragraph) that God is first in my life always. Of course, this is a constant struggle and a necessary one that I praise God for. If I was not constantly tested and put through bitter five day eternity-ish seasons with harsh winds and maximum radiational cooling (ahhh MEA 130), I would be content. And if I was content with God, I would not have to seek Him. And if I did not seek Him, I would not find Him. And if I did not find Him, I would not... be with Him? And if I am not with Him, I am against Him...

He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me, scatters. --Luke 11:23

Ahh!! I do not want to scatter!!

Thirdly (I have never been good at lists):  Constant Prayer is Necessary
I will be vulnerable and say that this season was full of guilt.  Guilt of not using my time wisely and not prioritizing, and just straight out not talking to God, my Father.  The only way for God to show me that I needed to do all of these things was for Him to literally come into my already busting head and force me to clear it.  I ended up having an extreme catharsis which was quite strange and slightly ridiculous.  I can now laugh with God and say thank You for making me sound like a blubbering idiot.  Love you!  No, but really.  Thank you, God.  He was basically telling me to talk to Him to relieve some of my troubles or else they would all flow out unintentionally in public in an untimely manner.  Oh yes.  He was with me even when I had almost nothing to do with Him.  Who else would do that? My Savior is marvelous.  Sólo Dios puede salvar.

This is what happens when I do not write for a while!  I will be praying for guidance and simply typing what God is putting on my heart.  Seasons will still come.  Embrace them when they do.  Luckily, it's the most wonderful time of the year...


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