Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Invisible goodness!

I have this really annoying habit of trying to create in my mind the way things to come are going to work out.  Well, it's more like a sin, trying to play God because my way would really really please me.  I have all the answers.  I really dislike pride.

Wow, my human is really showing today.

In case you haven't noticed, I have quite the divergent mind.  Quite scattered.  Quite never-resting.  It is pretty much all over the place.  It is in the past.  It is in the present.  It is in the future.  While planning ahead is seemingly desirable in a lot of cases, for me, it can become disastrous.  I want (not a good word) things to go my way or highway 74.  My way is never right and it never happens.  It is always better.

Praise God!

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. -Jeremiah 33:3
Unsearchable.  That is my favorite word in that verse.  Mainly because it is basically a slap in the face to those of us, like myself, who like to try to guess or mentally invent what we want to happen in future events.  I love when God brings me back down to earth (baby pun).  We can't even begin to know what is going to happen!  We can't find it in our thoughts--it is unsearchable!  You can look and look and conjure up all of your most creative and extravagant thoughts, and you still won't even scratch the surface of what God has planned because it is no where but in His possession.  It is not readily available on aisle 7.  He holds the unsearchable.  How mysterious.  I like it; I like it a lot!

This post is short but this is some pretty hefty stuff and some good meditating material.

In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.  -Proverbs 16:9

Planning and stepping are two totally different activities...

Good ol' Proverbian follow up!

Merry (almost) Christmas!

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