Monday, February 14, 2011

An appropriate yet anti-cliché post

Well, seeing as how this is Valentine's Day, there is really only one thing this post can be about.  I mean, I guess it could be about sin and shame and death, but love is just so much more appropriate I feel like.  Maybe it's just me.  And maybe that will be all the sarcasm in this post...

God made me aware bright and early this morning that this is the first Valentine's Day where I actually viewed Him as my Love.  I know, that sounds terrible and shallow, as I should view Him as my Love every second of every day.  I guess it just never dawned on me.  It's all about perception, and not my eyes', but my heart's.  With that being said, I woke up quite joyful today.  How couldn't I be happy with the Maker of the Universe as my Valentine?  Best. Day. Ever.

And He loves me too.  More, actually.  Praise the One who loves someone like me, a lowly little sinner, never giving enough recognition to the Higher Power, never fully submitting myself to His wisdom, never restraining from disobedience, constantly failing, constantly trusting in the world over Him.  Well when I write it out like that... that HAS to be one big Love to cover all that nonsense.  Agape love--self-sacrificing, unconditional, thoughtful love.  Oh how it tackles me to the ground [insert mental image here].  Must I refer back to the hurricane-tree analogy?

I can never grasp such love as His, and the mystery of this divine intimacy leaves me on the balls of my feet, eyes wide open, excited, intoxicated.  Ah, what a day.  Most people do not enjoy Valentine's Day but when you have the Father of Love at your every motion, this day can be rather lovely (<pun).  Go on a date with God today!  Go get some coffee or a muffin with Him or something.  Put an empty chair across from you and let your Papa sit there with you.  Talk and smile and laugh with Him!

Maybe I'm the only weird one who talks to [earthly] empty chairs...

So be it!

Oh how marvelous He is!  I always rack my brain and try to sort through the file cabinet of my mind that contains bits and pieces of the Psalms and try to find words to describe how I feel about this Love of mine, this One I did not earn nor deserve, this Love that hung lifeless on a tree only to give life to me.  How can I even stand at the thought of such sanctity?  His love makes me melt.

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. -John 15:13
Love until it hurts.  That's what He did.  And are we not to strive to be like Him?

Love and love,

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