Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Test the detestable

As I have been studying through the scriptures these past few weeks, I keep running across a certain word.  It is not a pretty word, nor is it pleasing to say.  I mean, it's one of those words that you say with a cringe, where all your muscles tighten up and you realize that you look like you are going into sudden paralysis while you are saying it so you quickly try to act natural and keep a straight face.  Maybe it's just me.

Detestable... oh.  I cringed.  But now I am back to normal since I am writing this is a public place (otherwise I would have made a disgusting face for a prolonged period of time).  Anyway, this word is not one that you would want someone else to describe you as.  I mean, it sounds bad enough the way it is, let alone with your name attached to it. "Most likely to succeed"- complimentary.  "Best all around- pleasant.  "Most detestable"- umm....

But, as God has so revealed to me throughout the descriptions engraved in the scriptures, that is exactly what I am.  Detestable!  Every single act of disobedience is detestable to God.  

They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good. -Titus 1:16

Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations--I cannot bear your evil assemblies. -Isaiah 1:13

As surely as I live, says the Sovereign Lord, I will cut you off completely. I will show you no pity at all because you have defiled my Temple with your vile images and detestable sin. -Ezekiel 5:11

Frightening?  Disappointing?  Shaming?

Invigorating.  This instills a desire in me to rid myself of the so detestable qualities that are prevalent in my heart.  How does one do this?  Surely not with my own strength.  Thus, a new prayer has been revealed to me by the gracious Lord.

As I have been praying this prayer for God to rid my heart of its detestable sins that are hidden amongst the deepest and most intricately woven veins of my heart, I have not only learned that He surely does answer (shocker), but that He has an intense way of answering.  I have been tested.  He is testing the detestable.

In order for me to become more like Him, the "Branch of the Lord...beautiful and glorious" (Isaiah 4:2) must pierce through my heart to burn out all of the detestable qualities it holds.  This sounds painful.  And it is.  But, like the cross, it is a beautiful pain.

(^props to a fabulous discipler for the above image)

So, when tests are thrown at you in every direction and your number two WOODEN pencil (please make connection to the "WOODEN" Branch of the Lord) is not sharpened and you forgot to study and you are panicking because you do not know the answer to the first question, do not become distraught.  The Lord is a loving God who only wants to have a relationship with you, who only wants to see you grow in Him, and who only wants to bring you closer to Him and farther from the world.  If your heart is full of disgusting, contaminated soil, how then will God be able to grow fruit in it?

Let Him test you!  Earthly pain is nothing compared to Spiritual intimacy.  It's overwhelming what He can do.

Love and wooden pencils,

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