Friday, January 28, 2011

The limit does not exist

Why hello,

Funny thing, I tried to write on this the past two nights, but couldn't.  I had so much I wanted to say--well, God had so much He wanted me to say--but the words were coming out like jello that has not quite reached its desirable consistency, but is almost there.  I have finally settled enough from my state of overwhelming astonishment to put words together that actually make sense (relatively).  The words will not come close to accurately describing how incredible He and what He did are, but I will nonetheless try.  But it was just so so so awesome and new and I really wish you ALL could have been there to experience it with me.  Cool part: you can.

I guess why I have been so ridiculously jumpy and spiritually spastic is because God is all around me.  I picture it like this:  You know how a dog who loves to play fetch spins around in circles each time the ball holder moves positions, excitedly awaiting the person to throw the ball.  Of course, to accurately track the ball down in the most efficient way, the dog has to know where the ball is at all times.  So in an effort to do this, the dog spins around tirelessly yet so enthusiastically as if on it's tip-toes each time the ball moves positions.  That would be me.  Tongue hanging out and all, thirsty and craving.  I can see God now- "Look Lou, here I am over! (turn head quickly) Oh wait, now I'm over here... (turn head quickly) Haha--yes, God laughs--now I am over here! (turn head even more quickly while still resisting whiplash)" He has been everywhere!  My head has been spinning (hmm doubly-figuratively?).  And now that I have referred to myself as a dog...

I am so excited to see where God is going to make me turn my head to next!  He does not have to do that, He doesn't have to do anything for us, really, but if we are thirsty enough, we will look everywhere we go for water.  God is obviously everywhere-- it is all about looking...

Sometimes I get so caught up with MY relationship with God and how awesome it is becoming (because of Him) that I forgot so easily that everyone else has this exact same potential and then some.  Every single person on this earth can have an intimate relationship with the Savior.  Who am I to place limits on the Lord?  Satan deceives us with exceptions like, "Oh, she could have a relationship with God, but her personality just won't let her," or "He would not listen to me tell him about knowing God personally because He would think it would be too awkward and He would not listen..."  Jesus, your love has no bounds!

Coolest part of the week possibly:  Prayer walk across west campus (where I live).  If you have not done something like this-- DO IT.  But really, I look for God where I want to see Him.  Bad, bad Lou!  I forget that each and every person I pass by, ride the elevator with, sit beside in the dining hall, or wherever I may be, has the potential to have a deep and passionate relationship with our Lord and Savior.  The same potential I had.  Who am I but a lost sheep, now found, who had potential?  Innate potential.  We are born lost, broken, but coupled with that, we are born with potential.

Ahh!  So many people!  But God has no limits.  He tears down walls.

You heavens above, rain down righteousness; let the clouds shower it down. Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let righteousness grow with it; I, the LORD, have created it. 
-Isaiah 45:8

Is that not one of the most beautiful proclamations you have ever read?  And all of this will happen...

Smile one more time than usual today,

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