Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I felt it was an appropriate date to catch up for lost time.  Also, it has been an absolutely splendid day.  <These two sentences relate, I promise.

I was actually prepared for this date earlier this week, otherwise, it probably would have blown my mind!  Well, the surface anyway.  Actually, now that I think about it, if I wouldn't have been prepared for this day, I would have missed a lot of really cool God stuff.  Yay for God equipping! (Hebrews 13:20-21)

On Sunday mornings I attend Summit Church here in Raleigh which has a huge congregation and an awesome pastor and the worship is amazing.  On Sunday nights I attend a growing church called 724Raleigh with a small, intimate congregation...and an equally awesome and amazing pastor and worship!  I praise God for the balance and variety He has given me, because I am only a semester deep, but these two church families in my life have already impacted me!

Getting to the point, on Sunday night at 724Raleigh (I did not get back in time for Summit in the am) our message was about this date.  1/11/11.  ONE.  How often we forget (or at least I do) that He is the ONE!  He is the one we need.  All the time.  Over anything else.

We were challenged to intense prayer and fasting on this day.  I loved loved loved the idea.  God is the only one we need to live!  Now I have a whole new outlook on the number 1.  And guess what is super awesome?  This whole year when you write the date, you always have to write at lease two ones!!!!!  Praise God for a constant reminder that He is the ONE.

Props to Pastor Lee and 724Raleigh for enlightening me.  God IS doing awesome things!

We also sang a really fantastic song about God being the One.  It's called Remedy if you are unfamiliar.  David Crowder Band.  It correlates.  Have I mentioned I love correlation?!

He is the one
Who has saved us
He is the one
Who embraced us
He is the one who has come
And is coming again
He's the remedy


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