Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Even when it makes sense...

Today was Tuesday... which means, like Sunday-Saturday, was AWESOME!

I love it when God uses a passage you have read a thousand times and transforms your whole view of it to something so relevant, so purposeful, so unexpected.  I have just recently started diving into scripture.  I mean, really started meditating over the Bible and its beauty.  I do enjoy a good book, so up until a few weeks ago I would concentrate on devotionals or Christian novels, with a side of Bible.  How misguided I was!  This book is legit.  I have a running tab of all of the books of the Bible I have read and I am considering crossing it out completely.  Sure, I read them.  But I wasn't really reading them, meditating on them, applying them, praying over them, et cetera.  Now I see how beautiful this love letter is, and I want it engraved into my heart.

Today, I read a passage of scripture that made me cry.  Background-- I am not a big crier really.  But something about God overwhelms me (I know, right?).  He's just so... everything.  I wish I knew bigger words.  I do, but they never make sense.  It wouldn't matter.  God is better than even the biggest words can describe.  And that was a semi-pointless aside...

Back to the Bible.  Philippians 4:6-9 it was.  "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."  Verse 6, a simple yet all too often ignored proposed action.  After my eyes ran over verse 6, something about the next sentence struck my heart.  Apparently, hearts have a direct connection to eye balls, maybe a vein or something.  I never took anatomy.  Something beautiful, a phrase, a realization, a God who knew I needed this wisdom.

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (4:7)

Beautiful.  There is a wonderful young woman of God in my bible study who uses the word beautiful to describe practically everything perceived as good.  And I never possessed that perception until now.  Everything created by God is beautiful.  Every breath is beautiful.  Those words...

transcends all understanding

God's peace overcomes me, crashing into me until I am unsure of anything else around me.  All I know is that God is real.  He is sure.  He is powerful.  Before my great God opened up my eyes after reading this passage, I had the view that yes, God's peace is what I need when things do not make sense.  But, what about when they do...

Sometimes I worry about things that make no sense at all to even think about.  Actually, I do that a lot.  Other times, though, this sinful and wicked world serves me a plate of disaster.  Clear, legitimate, humanly-devastating disaster.  It makes sense.  His peace consumes that understanding.  It engulfs it to nothingness.  His peace becomes our concentration.  He is that good.  Even when it makes sense, His peace is transcending.

I look up to the sky and say, You're beautiful.


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