Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why do we forget

I have been wanting to write about this question for quite some time now, but the shift of events in my life has been keeping my mind occupied.  I have been home from school for about a week, and let me tell you, this is not easy.  I mean, who knew having free time was so difficult?

Before I start to talk about me (I can already feel it coming) let me change the subject to discuss who this post should be about.

He has blessed me beyond words.  Part of the reason that I have not been able to write is because my mind cannot contain all that He has done for me.  He has changed me so much this past year.  He has carried out His plan.  He has successfully placed me exactly where I am supposed to be.  As if I should have expected anything less.

God has been so good to me.  I look around now at all of these seniors about to graduate from high school and I remember where I was then just one year ago.  I remember how I felt and where I stood with God.  I remember it being the most inwardly-fighting emotions that I had ever experienced up to that point.  I was so excited about graduating high school and even going to college, but nervousness was always pinching my skin--sometimes just enough for me to feel it, sometimes overcoming my ability to think straight.  I was not going to put on a front.  I was nervous.

And now, here I am.  I could never be more joyful in the Lord.  I have finished my freshman year and the crazy thing about it is that when I look back on my year (besides the fact that I am overwhelmed) I do not really think about my grades, my accomplishments, or even my friends.  I think about how I could have never expected to be in the place with God that I am now.

And I said I wasn't going to talk about me...

The thing about my freshman year is that it is over.  And now I am here at home, after months of praying for my summer, somewhere to go, some ministry organization under which to serve, here I am.  Home.

I believe that there should be PTPSD...Post-Triumphal-Procession-Stress-Disorder  (coming from my favorite verse 2 Corinthians 2:14, of course).  I have been sent from a city on a hill to the foot of it (seriously, I live in the foothills), left only to gaze at where I came from with wishful thinking of returning.  I know in my head that this is where God wants me to be.  I know that He has great things planned for me.  I know that I can experience God here just like I did this past year in Raleigh.  But sometimes, it seems like I... forget.

I forget the broken people walking beside me.  I forget that His love has never left me.  I forget that I am nothing.  I forget that I do not have the strength to do things on my own.  I forget that I have felt God here before.  I forget that He has a plan.  I forget that even the prettiest flowers grow in the blackest soil.  I forget that this world means nothing.  I forget that He holds me in His hands.

I forget how joyful He makes me.  I forget how He turns my sadness into happiness.  I forget how free He has made me feel.  I forget how I laugh with Him.  I forget how sorrow never lasts.  I forget how I long to worship Him, how I thirst for Him.  I forget how much love I feel from Him.

I forget about my family.  I forget about the roof under which I live. I forget about the food I eat, the clothes I wear.  I forget about the water I drink, oh, how clean it is.  I forget about the keyboard each forgotten finger is currently stroking.  I forget about the things in life I do not need, but have.  I forget about the One I have, how He is all I need.

I forget about the cross.  I forget about the grace.  I forget about the blood, the tears, the plan, oh, the perfect plan.  I forget about the life I was given through His death.  I forget about the resurrection.  I forget that He is coming back.  I forget about Him.

The instance I am placed into a different atmosphere, I forget that He is stable.  The minute I am uncertain about my future, I forget that He already knows it.  The moment even one little thing shows the slightest hint of falling out of place, I forget.

And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” Luke 22:19

Jesus commands us to remember.  The relationship we can have with Him is so much more powerful than even the worst thing that could ever happen.  Why let emotions overtake us when we have a God who can overwhelm us?

How differently we would live if we woke up every morning, awestruck to our knees at the fact that we woke up.

And here we are now.

Imagine how life would be if we remembered.


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