Thursday, January 20, 2011

An excuse to rest


I am an unfaithful poster. (PLEASE notice my avoidance of the word "blogger."  The ambiguity of that word threatens me with humorous discontent.)  It has been quite the while.  And for that, I provide my deepest apologies.  However if I am not mistaken, I did offer a disclaimer in a previous post (probably one from way back in the day, like the year 2010) that I would not write just to write, but only when I (He) had something to say.  If I did not offer that disclaimer, let it be so with the previous sentence.

I am feeling extra goofishly nerdy today.  And for that, I am sorry again.
If you have not caught on, the apologies in this post are playfully sarcastic...
And now on to important matters...

On resting.  I am an avid napper, okay, not really--I just really wanted to use the word avid.  Anyway, I do enjoy the occasional mid-day slumber with a side of overly drawn out after-stretches.  The point is, resting is a wonderful thing.  I am sure some of you ridiculously busy people can attest to this much better than I can, but I nonetheless offer my testimony.

God has taught me here recently that resting is both physical and spiritual.  A lot of times I try to pound God into my head (as if that were possible).  A lot of other times I am admittedly spiritually fatigued by the war that we are so inevitably thrown into.  In either case, I am doing too much.  Too much trying, too much worrying, etc.

When I try to make God be God, I have learned that the outcomes are far different from when I let God be God.  It's as if I believe that I can manipulate Him into doing what I know He can do, because I want a part in it.

         Ooo... mistake number one: saying "I want."

When I am tangled up in the battle and feel the ammunition being blasted all around me, with no fort for me to dive into, I am worthless.  Seriously, you should see me.  I look like I have no hope.

        Ooo... mistake number two: saying "I have no hope."

There is a very popular verse, Psalm 46:10, that says,

Be still, and know that I am God.

Now this is incredibly hard to do.  Some of us have moments of spiritual ADHD where we try to do everything and try to make God talk and be God and I am so so so guilty right now. Ahh!
And some of us have moments where we are so tired and fed up with the fact that God is "not helping us" and that we should just "ride it out" alone until the gunfire stops.  We cannot ignore.  We must be warriors. (Ephesians 6:11)

Physical war is very tiring, I assume, and spiritual war is no different.  We must rest in God.  We must rest in His love.  Let Him hold you in His arms.

Confession: Some mornings when I wake up I lie in bed for a few more minutes and repeat phrases in my head like "Hold me, Father" or "Let me rest in You."  And I imagine in my head what it would feel like to be lying with God.  Like in green pastures... ooo sudden parallel.  Anyway, maybe it's a strange meditation-type thing that increases my weirdness.  And let it be so.

^ I am giving you permission to try the above exercise.

Happy resting,

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