Saturday, July 9, 2011

Days off when God is not off

Warning: this is the longest post in the history of long posts.  BUT please read it!  I promise it is worth it.  If you have to break it up into two sittings or three or seventeen--READ IT!  God did some really cool things that you do not want to miss reading about!

As promised, I am going to attempt to try to explain everything God taught me through the adventures of our free day, Saturday, in Puerto Rico.  Again, this is difficult because these are things that are hard to put into words because they are just that good.  Or maybe I am just making an excuse in case it makes no sense.  Either way.

If you read the previous post, it will help you understand my state of being for this day.  After I found THE rock, we headed off to a Puerto Rican rain forest about an hour or so away.  All I knew was that we were going to a waterfall area where we could jump off of large rocks into the water.  So, I was excited.

We hiked a little ways down a slippery hill and once we got there, oh man.  This is where words do not do any justice whatsoever.  It was absolutely breathtaking and beautiful and other words that do not come close to describing the awesome beauty of our God.

Another cool thing to note is that I had that little heart-shaped rock with me, small enough to hold in my hand, while I was standing on rocks that can only fit in God's hand.

I think just the fact that I was in a Puerto Rican rain forest was enough to push me over the edge.  No pun intended.  I mean, we were going cliff jumping.

The coolest thing ever was jumping off of the rocks into the water.  The rock was about 40 feet high, so it was high enough to be invigorating, but low enough to not freak people out too bad when they get to the top. Call me cliche, but I couldn't help recognizing some symbolism.  I mean, climbing a rock (with God), reaching the top (with God), nearing the edge (with God), taking the jump (with God), free-falling (with God), hitting the water (with God), making a splash (with God), submerging into water (with God), emerging from water (with God), returning to shore (with God), smiling (with God).  Repeat.  Forever.

Pray for adventures with God.

Why yes, that is me in mid-air. (With God)

And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" -Romans 10:15

The feet in the above picture belong to 3 of my best and oldest friends.. and one pair is mine. Getting to go on this trip with them was one of the biggest blessings I could have ever asked for. They are a true portrayal of what it means to have brothers and sisters in Christ and they do nothing but build me up and teach me and encourage me and love me. They are real representatives of Christ and just to know them is a privilege and a gift. And to worship with them and see them learn and grow and interact with believers and non-believers alike...phenomenal. They are kingdom people and I am honored to call them my friends. Everyone needs friends like these people.

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
-1 Thessalonians 5:11
It was a pure joy to see the youth jump off of that rock into the water.  Especially watching them with that symbolic connection that God had planted in my head lingering in my thoughts--that was really powerful.  Each of those youth are going to make a huge splash every time they take a jump with God.  They are special.

After the rainforest, we went to get some lunch.  Three other friends and I decided that we did not want the usual fast food.  I mean, come on, it was Puerto Rico!  Everyone else dispersed and we decided to go to K-mart to get some chips and salsa (classic), then look for random food items on the street.  Sound a bit questionable? It was.

After we retreived the chips and salsa, we walked outside of K-mart and noticed that there was a lady selling barbeque-chicken-ish kabobs for like 2 bucks.  Needless to say, we were sold.

And so, the four of us sat on a small patch of grass in the K-mart parking lot eating kabobs from the street with chips and salsa.  We might have gotten strange looks from people who passed by, but it was worth it.  And it tasted good.  I remember sitting there and saying to my fellow parking lot sitters, "I am so glad that I have people in my life who will do this kind of thing with me and love it."

If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God... -2 Corinthians 5:13

We then retreated back to camp to relax for the afternoon.  Me and one of my friends walked down the beach and put our hammocks up in a secret spot.  Right on the beach.  Talk about living the good life.

After I read and relaxed a bit, God reminded me that I had to finish a conversation with one of the girls in the youth group that I had started the night before.  Without going into heavy detail, this conversation was one of the best that the Holy Spirit has ever orchestrated in my entire life...ever.  Just thinking about it makes me want to cry.  We ended up talking until it was time to eat.  That night we were going to a bay that glows.  I am serious.  We were told that we could swim in it if we wanted to, but at this point I was so exhausted that I was not concerned with such physical activity.  This is very important to note.

We drove to the bay which was about an hour and a half away and had some...interesting conversations on the way which consisted of the plan to make a jello pool and weird pet peeves and the like.  I then knew I loved those people.

When we got there we had about an hour to look around a market-type area to shop and explore before our boat ride.  We danced with small Puerto Rican children, bought things that have already broken, and tried not to look like tourists.

We finally got on the boat to explore La Parguera, the famous phosphorescent bay.  In short, the bay has tiny microorganisms in it that glow in the dark and it is so cool.  Unfortunately, the flash from the camera would disturb the organisms, so you will just have to trust me.  I really like this part because there is even more symbolic correlation in this "ordinary" activity.  Well, it wasn't your usual lap around the pool, but it wasn't a structured "religious" type event.  So many times we think we have to be in church or on a trip or partaking in some type of routine to feel the Holy Spirit's presence--not true.  It was just proof that God is indeed in every second of every day.  No itinerary necessary.

We went out to the part of the bay where it was dark and quiet and the young lady with whom I had shared that wonderful conversation earlier had been pestering me the entire boat ride to jump in the bay.  Both of us had on regular clothes and both of us knew that we had an hour and a half ride back to camp, which we did not desire to spend in wet jeans.  Everyone knows that that is one of the most uncomfortable things ever.

When we got to the point where we could jump in, the guides told us to ready ourselves because we only had five minutes and my friend was pressuring me harder than ever and I was so set on not jumping in.  I was not budging.

Of course, my friend did not let up and my thoughts began to break because I am a sucker for spontaneity plus I did not want to let this girl down and maybe it is bad that I was giving into peer pressure, but it was a glowing bay in Puerto Rico!  I cracked.

So me, my pressuring friend, and another girl all jumped in with our clothes on.  I did indeed jump on my own motivation, but my friend apparently thought I was going to bail, so she pretty much drug me in.  When I emerged from the water I remember saying, "Did I really just do that?!"  I was so set on not jumping in until the very moment my feet left the boat.  We swam around in amazement at the glowing microorganisms on our bodies for all of about three minutes. And then it was over.

Worth it?  Definitely.

I see a spiritual connection in the fact that my younger friend challenged me.  Having that conversation with her earlier challenged me.  Why do I not be more intentional with people?  Why do I not take more jumps with people, regardless of how uncomfortable it may be?  Thanks so much, friend.  I bet you did not know that.

The ride back to camp with soaking wet clothes and blasting air conditioning and a sleeping van was quite humorous, yet quite freezing.  I couldn't help but be joyful in the fact that God's ways are so funny, and that even though it was our "day off," God was not off.

He is never off.

But Jesus replied, “My Father is always working, and so am I.” -John 5:17

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