Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A poem

I wrote this poem a few weeks ago but really take no credit for it whatsoever.  He saved me.
I plan on writing an analysis of it (complete with scripture references) in the near future.
Be blessed.

Glass Box

Trapped in this glass box
I see out, I see down
I mean I see all around
Where the walls meet the ground
And I can even see up
But it’s rough
‘Cause I’m stuck
Left wondering how
I got placed in this rut
And I can’t seem to find
My way out of this maze
It’s all haze
The light fades
I want out but I stay
And I know I’m so close
To the air I need most
To get out of this place
It’s like I’m running this race
Of stagnation, no pace
And each move that I make
It’s like another’s erased
No step, no stroke
And this room fills with smoke
It’s in my lungs and I choke
It consumes every note
Of my screams as I fall
I am dead on the ground
You can hear the loud sound
Yes it echoes around
But no walls have crashed down
Who can save me?

Trapped in this glass box
They see in, they see down
I mean they see all around
They see me lying on the ground
But they have places to be
They’re not free
To help me
I’m just a person they see
Some stretch out their hands
As they pass like wind
But their hands hit the wall
Not one touches my skin
I can’t feel
Is this real?
I am numb but I still
Know this bitter cold metal
Like a January chill
Around my wrists and my feet
Leave me bruised, leave me beat
I am chained to defeat
I am tired, I am weak
I am yoked
I am slave
It’s all hopeless and grave
I can’t be brave
I can’t stand straight
I can’t look up
To see anyone’s face
It’s dark in there
The smoke is now thick
And I’m sick
And I’m scarred
And my skin is all charred
And my bones are all crushed
But no ambulance rushed
I’m just ashes and dust
I’m just crumbs, I’m just rust
Is my heart beating still?
Am I left there to die?
Could I still be alive?
Who can save me?

Trapped in this glass box
He sees up
He sees down
Yes He sees all around
He sees me lying on the ground
He seems far away now
But He’s coming my way
And this Man knows my name
Sees my agony, my pain
All my hurt and my shame
So He goes through the same
Right there on the street
He is mocked, He is beat
‘Cause He’s running for me
But the crowd likes my scene
The world wants me to die
Yes they cloud up the sky
But He wants me to live
And see blue.

Who is this?
Himself to give
My soul to take
Sacrifice to make
Why am I one
That He would chase after
And fight through seas of roaring laughter
Waves of slave masters
That build for disaster
Storms of oppression
Try to write the next chapter
My box floats in this ocean
I am tossed left and right
But He’s still in my sight
Coming swift and with might
Shackled still to the floor
But now my eyes see
What is in front of me
What I need.

The smoke clears up
With every step that He takes
So I wait
And I watch
Still bound and in chains
Yes, I stare now, amazed
He is racing toward me
Is this what I see?
He’s coming
He’s coming
So furiously
No, He can’t be stopped
He wants to get to this box
If it means He must die
So He does.

He waves His sword all around
But this sword is a tree
And with scarred hands
He swings
And my enemies flee
He pushes through every force
Every liquid, solid, gas
No He doesn't just pass
He stares straight through the glass
And He sees His beloved
Lying broken and weak
I seek
And then our eyes meet
Can He save me?

Trapped in this glass box
No I’m trapped in Your love
Because You come
And You enter
And You blow this place up
And now the smoke is dissolved
And the walls they explode
As the glass shatters ‘round
And the Sun is exposed
Yes the ceiling is gone
I can see to the blue
It’s all new
But it’s true
And it’s all full of You
The chains fall off my limbs
As You stretch out Your hand
You bring me to my feet
So that now I can stand
Yes my body is healed
And my spirit’s revived
Just Your touch on my skin
And now I’m alive
I am loved.  I am loved.
I never thought it was true
I’m in love!  I’m in love!
And it has to be You
From hopeless to hope
From smoke to air
With Your breath in my lungs
I no longer despair
Now You’re not just a figure
I can only just see
You came into my mess
And You came into me
Like these walls I explode
Yes now I run free
But as I go ‘round this street
Oh the sight that I see
Ten thousand glass boxes
Set all around me
With lifeless bodies
And smoke-filled rooms
Eyes that can’t see the blue
So then what do I do
I cry out to You
Who can save them?

You say it’s for freedom that I am set free
You say open your eyes
You say now I can see
You say I can speak
You say I can run
You say there’s a fight
That’s already been won
I remember that sword
I remember that tree
I remember those walls
As they crashed around me
I remember that box
Before I met You
I remember that darkness
And that smokey room
But now I know life
All because I know You
Because You raced
And You chased
And You even erased
All my fear and my shame
And my hurt and my pain
And You lifted me up
Right off of that floor
And You told me there’s more
This proclaim to the poor
All the good news you've seen
Of the strife that I bore
That glass that was shattered
That promise I gave
That love that I have
Is the one that will save
You said take this and run
And bind up broken hearts
Repair daughters and sons
Take this light to the dark
So now I must go
I must set captives free
And do for Your people
What You've done for me
You saved me.